• Cassie refused to drop it. While I moved away to the nearest table to study the chapter about the Fates, she undertook to read every accessible sheets.


    Around half an hour later, she suddenly dropped a stack of a dozen of books on my desk.

    EN 24

  • CEN 23assie pointed a triumphing finger on our friend’s name on the borrowing card.

    « Is it really surprising that she loaned it ? This is the very least, I said.

    - This is a trace from her, real, on paper ! Let’s look for another one ! »

    I embraced the Mythology department. Antic and European myths alone occupied three bookcases.


    —> « We are digressing. I prefer focus on the Fates myth. » I said.

    —> Trying to retain a new sneeze I agreed to check every loading sheets to know where Hannah had passed.

  • « What does it mean ? asked Cassie who where reading over my shoulder.

    - Hannah is obsessed by choices. One time she stood in front of a vending machine for about fifteen minutes.


    ‘’ If I don’t know what I want right now, what would change inside me in several minutes and make me decide for something ?’’ That’s what she said.

    - People behind her would be fulminating against her…

    - Actually, the machine was broken, she just didn’t notice this detail.

    - This is true. She is… special. »


    Cassie leaned against the shelving.

    « This text about the Fates… Did you find other papers about this in the library ?

    - Nothing, I already searched for it.

    - This is the end of this track. We should look for something else. »


    I sighed and I replaced the book on its shelf, but Cassie held it back immediately and opened it at the last page.

    EN 22

  • EN 21

    The Fates, the Moirai, the Parcae. Three merciless sisters reigning over human lives. Clotho, the younger  (or the less faded) draws a thread for our birth. Lachesis measures it with her rod, while Atropos the eldest cuts it and chooses the manner a person will die.


    Numerous mythologies worldwide report similar stories : Greek, Roman, Slavic, Etruscan, Scandinavian… Everywhere human have seen in weaver yarns metaphors of their lives.

    EN 21

  • EN 20« Why didn’t you just settle for research on the Internet EN 20?

    - I’m always trying to find primary sources, looking for the original version, I explained pulling my glassed up. The information concerning Hannah in one way or another are unstable. I have found some tiny traces about her on the web but they quickly disappeared. They must have been deleted, I can’t find anything new now. »

    Hopefully, books are harder to erase. There will always be vestiges of this old legend…



    I opened the book.

    EN 20

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