• EN 26

    « This is strange… said Cassie comparing the cards. The writing is sometimes really old, as it was noted with a quill. And the date is not readable. »

    Cassie examined the annoying stack of books. I hesitated for a second before sharing with her what I had just discovered, it was blood curdling.

    « Neither of the dates is visible, I said slowly. But on this one the next loan is distinct. This book has been borrowed for the time after in 1987. 1965 for this one. »

    I had goose bumps, I didn’t dare to touch the other books anymore. Then I heard Cassie whispering :

    « 1946… »

    We shared a frightened gaze. 



    Everywhere the same name. « Hannah Reeves » and a date mistakenly erased by some water, decades ago.

    EN 26